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Sharon & Andrew can help you get started with Young Living.
Call or email us at:

Sharon & Andrew Wild

Wild Essential Oils

Young Living Consultants #1018897

Sharon is Australian and lives in Australia.

Young Living products are delivered Australia wide by courier delivery from the Sydney or Perth Australian warehouse.


Call Sharon on:

Australia:  1300 730 885





Young Living have a Sydney Office 
and Perth Office​

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Why Sharon & Andrew Wild?

There's an old saying about doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting a different result. They were tired of feeling sick and tired. They were tired of getting poor results from traditional and alternative therapies and were concerned about the side-effects which could often be worse then the condition. They started searching for natural alternatives, and that's when they discovered Young Living over 10 years ago. 


Well, you know how there's those moments in your life that you look back on as a significant turning point in your life, for Sharon & Andrew, that was the turning-point in their lives. They shared their experiences in using Young Living products with their friends and family and the great results they were experiencing both physically and emotionally, which lead to a community of like-minded people being formed, which is now called Team Wild Fire


Team Wild Fire has now grown to members throughout Australia, Europe, North America, Asia and the Middle East who all want to help others towards a healthier tomorrow. 


We do this by sharing our passion for Essential Oils and Chemical Free Living with all those who will listen.


A healthier tomorrow is catching on like Wild Fire! Join us on this journey to Wellness, Purpose and Abundance with Young Living and Team Wild Fire.

Why order Young Living essential oils through Sharon and Andrew Wild?

You'll be supported through every-step of your essential oils journey by Sharon and Andrew Wild.

When you place your first Young Living order with Sharon & Andrew Wild through this website or by phoning Sharon on 1300 730 885, Sharon will send you easy practical tips showing you how to use essential oils.

You'll also receive easy to follow videos and email education together with access to online resources showing you how to use Young Living products at home and with your family.
When ordering from Sharon and Andrew, you'll be invited to essential oil online classes, plus in-person events in Queensland and New South Wales, Australia. 

Sharon and Andrew also coach people who are seeking a more balanced and healthy lifestyle how they can achieve a passive income through sharing Young Living essential oils.

Let Us Help You - Sharon & Andrew Wild, Young Living Consultants

You're invited to experience wellness, purpose and abundance with Sharon and Andrew Wild to help you through your journey.


Sharon and Andrew are passionate essential oil educators and Young Living independent consultants.  


They have each attended the Raindrop Technique course and Egyptian Emotional Clearing Technique course through Raindrop Australia. They have participated in many essential oils workshops and conferences in Australia and the USA.


Why Young Living Essential Oils?

So much more than a pretty smell, Young Living essential oils are therapeutic grade, organic, unadulterated and pure.



About Young Living

Young Living is the world leader in essential oils with a 25 year history of producing therapeutic grade essential oils and nutritional products. Based in the USA, with offices in offices in Australia, Canada, UK, Singapore and South America, Young Living have over 5 million customers worldwide.


Young Living employ a Seed to Seal process to guarantee the purity of their essential oils.


Young Living Farms : Young Living own their own farms, with 7 farms around the world, where they grow their plants organically. They also source from partner farms around the world.


Precise Distillation: Young Living distill their oils in-house without chemicals, at low temperatures for a precise amount of time, to ensure the valuable 80 to 300 medicinal components that offer the healing value of the oil are maintained.


Testing for Purity & Potency: Every batch of oil is tested using sophisticated Gas-Chemotography Mas-Spectrometer equipment to ensure the purity of the oils and the therapeutic potency of the oils. Oils that don't meet the Young Living standard are rejected.

Why does this matter? It means you have piece of mind knowing the quality control is maintained at every stage of production and that you'll receive the purest most medicinally potent essential oils in the world.


Visit Young Living Farms

Young Living customers are able to visit Young Living farms in the USA to see first hand Young Living's Seed to Seal process. Sharon and Andrew have visited 7 of Young Living's farms, how many farms do you wish to visit?


Organic, Wild Crafted

Correct Plant Species


100% natural

No artificial ingredients

No added fragrances, fillers or adulterants

Low heat distillation

No chemicals or solvents used

Maintains the 80 to 300 medicinal components


Every batch tested

Therapeutic Grade

Standardised therapeutic active compounds


Full vibrational frequency

WATCH this video: See why Quality is of utmost importance, and why Young Living oils are different to other brands of essential oils

Seed to Seal Process

WATCH this video: See the Seed to Seal process that Young  Living use at their farms to ensure the highest quality pure therapeutic grade oils.

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Sharon & Andrew Wild

Young Living Consultants in Australia

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Sharon & Andrew Wild

​Wild Essential Oils

Young Living Independent Consultants #1018897

We are based in Australia.

We can deliver to your door everywhere in Australia - to your home, work or PO Box.

Phone Australia: 1300 730 885​



Follow us on Facebook

The Young Living Essential Oils warehouse in Australia is in Sydney, NSW and in Perth, WA. Young Living can deliver anywhere in Australia including to Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide , Perth and Cairns. Young Living also have offices around the world. Andrew and Sharon Wild through can assist you with placing your first Young Living order. By ordering with Sharon and Andrew Wild from Wild Essential Oils you'll gain exclusive access to Essential Oil education and chemical free living education including e-books, books, apps and online classes.

© 2021 by Wild Essential Oils. All rights reserved.

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