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Can Young Living Essential Oils be Used Internally in Australia?

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You'll see varied reports online about whether essential oils can be used internally or not. Some reports say that essential oils should not be used internally. And that is certainly good advice for most brands of essential oils, as most brands of essential oils, even brands labelled as '100% pure' or 'organic' are not suited for internal use and could be harmful if ingested.

What about Young Living oils? Can they be used internally?

The guidelines for using Young Living essential oils depend upon each country, as each country has different government regulations and classifications for essential oil usage.

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In the United States, some Young Living Essential Oils are classed as “Dietary Supplements”. As such, you will see them listed for use internally, in capsules as dietary supplements and for use in food and drinks. Those Young Living oils are labeled as the “Vitality” range in the USA, with white labels.

In Australia, essential oils are regulated differently to the USA. In Australia, you will see reference to the use of Young Living essential oils topically, aromatically, for use in cooking for flavouring food and drinks and used in Young Living's nutritional supplements.

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Top 5 herb Young Living essential oils for cooking in Australia

This helps to explain why you will see different usage guidelines in different countries for Young Living essential oils.

For Young Living essential oils, the labels in each country are based upon the government requirements in that country.

Though just note that Young Living oils in the USA, are the same Young Living essential oils in other countries. For example, Young Living peppermint oil in the USA is the same peppermint oil as the peppermint oil sold by Young Living in Australia. It's just the labels will look different. In the USA, the peppermint oil will be labelled as the Vitality peppermint Young Living oil, though the bottle contents are the same peppermint oil as the Young Living peppermint oil sold in Australia.

How can Young Living essential oils be used internally in Australia?

In Australia, many of the Young Living essential oils can be used in food and drinks. For example, the citrus, spice and herb oils including Lemon, Orange, Peppermint, Tangerine, Basil, Ginger, Nutmeg, Clove, Black Pepper, Dill and Coriander can be added to drinks ​​and food.

See the labels on the bottle for which oils can be used in food and cooking.

In Australia, almost all of Young Living’s

Young Living supplement capsules Digest & Cleanse contain Peppermint, Lemon, Ginger, Caraway, Fennel, Anise Young Living essential oils.

Longevity capsules contain Frankincense, Orange, Thyme and Clove Young Living essential oils. Inner Defence capsules contain Young Living Thieves blend of Cinnamon, Clove, Eucalyptus, Lemon and Rosemary, plus Oregano, Thyme and Lemongrass essential oils.

Looking to get your own Young Living essential oils? We would love to help you!

If you're in the USA or elsewhere in the world? Then click here to view Young Living essential oils and add them to your shopping cart.

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We're here to help!

Andrew and Sharon Wild from are full time essential oilers based in Australia! They are dedicated to helping people like you live a healthier, low toxin lifestyle using Essential Oils and Essential Oil enhanced products. 

Sharon Wild has written over 100 e-books and 50+ recorded webinars - all of which customers can access via the Team Wild Fire App! E-book and webinar topics range from using essential oils with dogs, babies and children; using essential oils for sleep, energy, stress, grumpiness, anxiousness; cooking with essential oils, using essential oils with crystals and chakras; DIY perfume making; through to DIY cleaning and skincare recipes.

Customers at will also have access to over 100 hours of educational videos to help you on your wellness journey.

We help thousands of people from Australia and all around the world - all who are a part of our oily community group known as "Team Wild Fire". 

Get started today as a customer at to gain access to the Team Wild Fire app.

Contact us today via email, phone or on Facebook so that we can help you get started on your health and wellness journey.

Australia: 1 300 730 885




Andrew & Sharon Wild

Young Living Independent Member #1018897

Sharon & Andrew Wild

Here's just of few of the 100 e-books available to customers  

Inspire - EOR - Salad Dressings Book 350
Kids Emotions Book 350px
Inspire - Using Essential Oils with Babi
Chakra Guide
Homework Helpers Book 350px
Cooking with Essential Oils
DIY Recipes for Dogs Book 350px
Diffuser Blends Book 350px
Inspire - Baby DIY Recipes Book 350px
Inspire - EOR - Baking Book 350px
Thieves Guide
Oily Recipes Cookbook
The Chemical Free House
The Chemical Free Laundry
The Chemical Free Bathroom
The Chemical Free Kitchen
Oils Discovery
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Sharon & Andrew Wild

Young Living Consultants in Australia

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Sharon & Andrew Wild

​Wild Essential Oils

Young Living Independent Consultants #1018897

We are based in Australia.

We can deliver to your door everywhere in Australia - to your home, work or PO Box.

Phone Australia: 1300 730 885



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The Young Living Essential Oils warehouse in Australia is in Sydney, NSW and in Perth, WA. Young Living can deliver anywhere in Australia including to Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide , Perth and Cairns. Young Living also have offices around the world. Andrew and Sharon Wild through can assist you with placing your first Young Living order. By ordering with Sharon and Andrew Wild from Wild Essential Oils you'll gain exclusive access to Essential Oil education and chemical free living education including e-books, books, apps and online classes.

© 2021 by Wild Essential Oils. All rights reserved.

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