Mum Alert - The Dangers of Kids Swallowing Fluoride in Toothpaste
Most people have heard that fluoride helps build strong teeth. That's what dentists have said for a long time. Though most people don't know the truth about fluoride.
It's now being shown that fluoride doesn't help in preventing cavities and strengthening the teeth. A 1990 study stated that fluoride has been shown to NOT reduce cavities and scientists are now linking fluoride to dental deformity, arthritis and allergic reactions.[2]
Here we won't be focussing on the the pros and cons of fluoride for dental health. Here, we'll be exposing the health dangers of fluoride in children's toothpaste.
Most mums are shocked to find out that most commercial brands of children's toothpastes at the supermarket contain harmful chemicals that have been linked to all sorts of health problems. See the Hidden Dangers of Kids Toothpaste article here to see the health risks associated with chemicals in kids toothpaste. In this article, we're focussing on fluoride.
Fluoride is an ingredients in most conventional children's toothpastes.
The FDA and toothpaste manufacturers know the ingredients in children's toothpaste are dangerous, that's why in the USA toothpastes are required to have a warning label that warns it’s not safe to swallow. Some labels warn to call poison control if swallowed!
If you're from the USA, you'll have seen those toothpaste warning labels, though if you're from other parts of the world, including Australia, you won't have seen those warning labels on toothpastes, as the Australian government doesn't require that warning on labels. Yet, we have the same toothpaste brands with the same ingredients in the toothpastes.
Fluoride is categorized as a “toxic drug” by the FDA. Swallowing fluoride, as is the case with fluoridated drinking water and using fluoridated toothpastes, is especially detrimental to health, as the science demonstrates that fluoride is a toxic chemical that accumulates in the tissues over time and produces a number of serious adverse health effects, including neurological and endocrine dysfunction, brittle bones, mottled teeth, behavioural changes and an increased risk of osteosacoma (bone cancer).
In addition to being one of the main ingredients in toothpaste as well as rat and cockroach poisons, sodium fluoride is also a key component in anesetic, hypnotic, and psychiatric drugs and sarin nerve gas! [2]
Surprisingly, fluoride has NEVER been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the USA. Children are particularly at risk for adverse effects of overexposure. If you have a young child, it’s recommended that you use a non-fluoride toothpaste. states that fluoride toothpaste is often the largest single source of fluoride intake for young children and is a major risk factor for disfiguring dental fluorosis. This is because children swallow a large amount of the paste that they put in their mouth. In fact, research has shown that it is not uncommon for young children to swallow more fluoride from toothpaste alone than is recommended as an entire day's ingestion from all sources.
Children should not use adult toothpastes that contain fluoride. Adult toothpastes contain as much as 1,000 ppm fluoride, 1ppm being the supposed ‘safe’ concentration to fluoridate water as this will cause them to ingest fluoride at a level that can cause fluorosis – mottling, brown or white spots of the permanent teeth. This is becoming much more widespread now, and if the child is living in a fluoridated water area, drinking tap water or having formula made up with fluoridated water then they will more than likely be ingesting too much fluoride.[3]
In children and youth, minimal ingestion of sodium fluoride causes salivation, nausea, vomiting, epigastric pain, and diarrhea. Large doses of the carcinogen may cause paralysis, muscular weakness, followed by respiratory and cardiac failure.
What is Dental Fluorosis?
Dental fluorosis is a deformity in the tooth enamel caused by excessive Fluoride intake by children in their first 8 years. In its mild forms it shows up as cloudy white patches and streaks on the teeth. In moderate to severe it shows up as brown mottling to black staining. This seems to be more extreme with children that also drink Fluoridated water.
Toxic effects of fluoride can cause conditions such as brittle bones, permanent tooth discolouration (dental fluorosis), behavioural changes, stomach ailments, skin rashes (such as periodontal dermatitis), impairment in glucose metabolism and an increased risk of osteosacoma (bone cancer). (Image source :
Choosing a Safe Children's Toothpaste? The list of health risks from fluoride in children's toothpastes is enough for every health conscious mum to look to switch to a green toothpaste. Though when going green, make sure that the product you choose is not only fluoride-free, that it's chemical free too. Unfortunately some companies are jumping on the 'green bandwagon' offering products that aren't as green as you would hope. You need to choose a company you can trust. A company that lists all of the ingredients on the label and a company that doesn't use chemicals.
I choose Young Living toothpaste, as Young Living is a full disclosure company, that use all-natural ingredients, with all ingredients listed on the label.
Young Living offer a fluoride-free childen's toothpaste called Kidscents Slique Toothpaste.
The KidScents Slique toothpaste is an all-natural toothpaste for kids that uses Thieves essential oil blend and Slique Essence essential oil blend to gently clean and protect teeth.
This safe, yet effective blend promotes healthy teeth without the use of fluoride, dyes, synthetic colours, artificial flavours, or preservatives.
Ultrafine calcium carbonate, a natural tooth-health agent, gently scrubs plaque and debris from teeth without damaging enamel.
KidScents toothpaste also contians xylitol, recognised to be great for teeth health.
KidScents Slique toothpaste contains Deionized water, virgin coconut oil, baking soda, calcium carbonate, sunflower lecithin, vegetable glycerin, xanthan gum, xylitol, grapefruit (citrus paradisi), tangerine (citrus reticulata) lemon (citrus limon) spearmint (mentha spicata), ocotea (ocotea quixos) clove ( syzguim aromaticum) lemon (citrus limon) cinnamon bark (cinnamomum verum) eucalyptus radiata (eucalyptus radiata) rosemary (rosmarinus officinalis), stevia-rebaudioside A (stevia rebaudiana)
Other articles you may be interested in:
Find out why brushing is not enough, why conventional toothpastes don’t work
Find out if your toothpaste is making you sick, the hidden dangers of toothpaste
Find out how Thieves Toothpaste compares with conventional toothpastes
Find out which Thieves toothpaste is for you in the Thieves Toothpaste Review
Find out if toothpaste is making your kids sick, the hidden dangers of children's toothpaste
Find a safe children’s toothpaste with the KidsCents Slique Toothpaste review
Looking to get your own KidScents Toothpaste? We would love to help you!
In Australia? Then purchase your Kidscents toothpaste here.
In the USA or elsewhere in the world? Then click here to view Thieves toothpaste and add it to your shopping cart.