So Much More than a Pretty Smell...
Want to know more about what sets Young Living apart from other essential oil companies? Look through the 'Why Young Living' info below by clicking on the right arrow. You'll see info about Young Living's Seed to Seal process, the Young Living farms and the testing of Young Living oils.
Seed to Seal Process
WATCH this video: See the Seed to Seal process that Young Living use at their farms to ensure the highest quality pure therapeutic grade oils.
WATCH this video: See why Quality is of utmost importance, and why Young Living oils are different to other brands of essential oils
So much more than a pretty smell, Young Living essential oils are therapeutic grade, organic, unadulterated and pure.
What does that mean and why does that matter?
The essential oils most people are familiar with are perfume or aromatherapy grade essential oils, designed mainly for their fragrance. Those types of oils, including health food store oils, often contain chemical additives making those oils unsuitable to be used directly on the skin without dilution and they can never be taken internally, nor used in cooking.
Young Living essential oils on the other hand are used well beyond their pretty smell. They're used by millions of people around the world, by mum's, by pet owners, by practitioners in clinics, by nurses in hospitals and they're of such a high quality that Young Living has Australian government listing, through the Therapeutic Good Administration, for the use of Young Living essential oils in nutritional supplements - that's a really big deal in the world of essential oils.
35 of Young Living's essential oils are classified as food grade oils for culinary use under the Food Standards Australia and New Zealand guidelines. You can see the 35 Young Living food grade edible oils on the food essential oils page.
I use Young Living oils to support optimal health for all the systems in the body. Only the highest quality essential oils can be used for supporting health and wellbeing.

Anyone can make an essential oil that smells good. Young Living's extensive experience in farming, distilling without chemicals and sourcing essential oils guarantees each Young Living oil contains the optimal level of beneficial plant properties. Oils that work - That’s at the core of what it means to be Young Living Therapeutic Grade™.
Young Living sets the standard for essential oil purity and authenticity by carefully monitoring the production of their essential oils through their unique Seed to Seal® process. From the time the seed is sourced until the oil is sealed in the bottle, they apply the most rigorous quality controls possible to ensure that you are receiving essential oils exactly the way nature intended.
Young Living have their own farms and partner farms around the world. I've personally visited 6 Young Living farms to see the Seed to Seal process first hand. I've seen the distillation first hand, I've even helped with planting plants. That's part of what I love about Young Living, it's a full disclosure company. Young Living customers can go to the Young Living farms to see this for themselves too!
Pure, Organic, Unadulterated, Therapeutic Grade
What's Different About
Young Living Essential Oils?
Organic, Wild Crafted
Correct Plant Species

100% natural
No artificial ingredients
No added fragrances, fillers or adulterants

Low heat distillation
No chemicals or solvents used
Maintains the 80 to 300 medicinal components

Every batch tested
Therapeutic Grade
Standardised therapeutic active compounds

Full vibrational frequency
Quality Assured
Seed to Seal
Young Living's Mona Farm
One of 7 Young Living farms in the USA, France & South America